

ICJC Lauds $430 Million Award Illinois Climate Pollution Reduction Grants

Illinois – Today, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) announced that Illinois will receive more than $430 million in Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) to tackle climate pollution, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice across the state. The Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition submitted a letter of support to the USEPA early on in the CPRG application […]

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Illinois General Assembly Fails to Act on Accumulated Air Pollution in EJ Communities this Session, Advances New Pollution in Vulnerable Areas

SPRINGFIELD, IL — After missing multiple opportunities this Spring to protect environmental justice communities across Illinois, the Illinois General Assembly yesterday passed HB2878 and HJR23. These bills give broad permission for public-private partnership (P3) funding of large transportation projects like widening I-55. This legislation will bring new vehicle traffic and even more diesel emissions into

Illinois General Assembly Fails to Act on Accumulated Air Pollution in EJ Communities this Session, Advances New Pollution in Vulnerable Areas Read More »

Illinois Environmental Organizations Respond to Gov. Pritzker Signing Midwest Electric Vehicle Agreement

Call on Governor to Next Tackle Polluting Emissions from Large Trucks CHICAGO– The Illinois Environmental Council (IEC) and other environmental organizations noted below issued the following statement in response to Governor JB Pritzker joining Midwest governors in signing on to the Regional Electric Vehicle for the Midwest Memorandum of Understanding (REV Midwest MOU): “The Illinois

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Toxics in the Environment

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTdD7i95GQw In the 18th edition of the IEC Lunch & Learn Series, IEC is joined by Meleah Geertsma from the Natural Resources Defense Council to discuss toxics in the environment, environmental justice and public health. Find links and resources from the session below: Natural Resources Defense Council website

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IEC EnviroNews (Summer 2007)

Find the full PDF online here or scroll down to read. Mercury issue heats up Session goes into overtime New study sparks coalition for open space program Environmental Caucus highlights green issues Gubernatorial candidates at Environmental Leadership dinner Profile on Illinois Audubon Society

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IEC Bulletin (December 1999)

Find the full PDF online here or scroll down to read. Call to end the grandfathering of coal-fired power plants Environmentalists and coal miners push for stricter air pollution controls Report on power plant pollution Review of annual conference Governor Ryan creates Environmental Regulatory Review Commission

IEC Bulletin (December 1999) Read More »

IEC Bulletin (August 1997)

Find the full PDF online here or scroll down to read. Report on electric restructuring legislation IEC receives power plant clean-up grant Preview of veto session Governor Edgar’s vetoes Report on Teaming With Wildlife (TWW) Illinois Cave Amphipod proposed for federal endangered species list End of session wrap-up

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IEC Bulletin (March, 1994)

Find the full PDF online here or scroll down to read. Politicized climate complicates passage of bills Conservation 2000 initiative featured in budget New radioactive waste siting process begins IECEF wins grant for campaign against pesticide pollution Review of annual conference List of upcoming events

IEC Bulletin (March, 1994) Read More »

IEC Bulletin (August, 1992)

Find the full PDF online here or scroll down to read. Post-session review Lake Calumet airport bill failed in Senate Session at a glance How the state budget affects environmental policy Bankers’ bill shifts contamination cleanup burden to taxpayers Reports on clean air related legislation Pesticide safeguards maintained and strengthened List of upcoming events

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IEC Bulletin (June 1990)

Find the full PDF online here or scroll down to read. Hope remains for environmental bills in spring session Pollution prevention prospects to be decided Bills to protect lands and waters could highlight the session Funding source stalled for new programs List of upcoming events

IEC Bulletin (June 1990) Read More »

IEC Newsletter Vol. 4 No. 1

Find the full PDF online here or scroll down to read. Proposal to have solar power at two new prisons The Citizens Advisory Group formed in response to strip mining Fight over Locks and Dam 26 continues Xylene spill pollutes air, land, and water List of legislations and hearings

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