
2024 Environmental Legislative Update

Early Wednesday morning, days after its scheduled adjournment date of May 24, the Illinois General Assembly passed the state budget and concluded the Spring legislative session. Going into an election year with an expected budget deficit, we anticipated that it would be more challenging than usual to pass critical pieces of legislation this session. Despite […]

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2024 Environmental Legislative Update

Today is the scheduled adjournment day of the regular legislative session. However, as of this morning, it became clear that leading members of the House and Senate are planning for state budget-centered discussions to carry on this evening and into the weekend. We are also seeing an increase in internal caucus meetings, which are causing

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2024 Environmental Legislative Update

Both the House and the Senate were in and conducting business this week as we move closer to the final weeks of this year’s regular legislative session. Many bills were granted extended deadlines for advancing through the legislative process, and some important pieces of the Illinois Environmental Legislative Agenda continue to move through the legislative

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Hundreds Gather in Springfield to Advocate for Equitable Climate, Transportation, and Energy Legislation

Springfield, IL. – Hundreds of community leaders, environmental advocates, faith leaders, business representatives, consumer groups, students and state legislators rallied outside of the Illinois State Capitol Building today in support of the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition (ICJC) Platform, a slate of legislation that would double down on Illinois’ bold climate policy and secure a more

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2024 Environmental Legislative Update

Legislators were back in session again this week to conduct business, and pieces of the Illinois Environmental Legislative Agenda continue to move through the legislative process. Additionally, we enjoyed being joined this week by University of Illinois students advocating for environmental bills, including one of their own! Protecting Illinois’ Wetlands Protecting wetlands remains a top

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Sen. Ellman, Rep. Moeller, Community Advocates Announce Legislation to Protect Illinois Wetlands After U.S. Supreme Court Overreach

(Springfield, IL) – Today, Illinois Senator Laura Ellman (District 21) and State Representative Anna Moeller (District 43) joined forces with community advocates to announce the “Wetlands and Small Stream Protection Act” – new legislation protecting Illinois waters in the wake of a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that rolled back crucial federal safeguards in the Clean

Sen. Ellman, Rep. Moeller, Community Advocates Announce Legislation to Protect Illinois Wetlands After U.S. Supreme Court Overreach Read More »

State Legislators Earn Coveted Top Marks for Their Environmental Voting Record

Illinois Environmental Council Releases Annual Scorecard (SPRINGFIELD, IL) – The Illinois Environmental Council (IEC) released its 2023 Legislative Environmental Scorecard today. The scorecard, which is released annually, assigns a percentage score to legislators based on how they voted on bills affecting the environment. This year, 17 state representatives and 10 state senators received 100% scores

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2023 Environmental Scorecard

IEC is proud to present our 2023 Environmental Scorecard for the Illinois General Assembly. Scores are based on the environmental impact of their voting record over the last legislative session.  We hope this will be a useful resource and allow you to see whether your legislators have used their power in the General Assembly to

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Governor Pritzker Vetoes Legislation That Would Have Allowed Ameren to Monopolize Transmission Projects

Illinois — Today, Governor JB Pritzker issued an amendatory veto on HB3445—legislation that would have given Ameren, the private utility company that serves much of Central and Southern Illinois, a “Right of First Refusal” to build regional transmission lines in Southern Illinois. Under this bill, Ameren would have been given first dibs on building new

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Moratorium on New Nuclear Remains in Place in Illinois Thanks to Governor Pritzker’s Veto

Illinois — Today, Governor JB Pritzker vetoed SB76—a bill that would have lifted Illinois’ decades-old moratorium on new nuclear power plants. Responding to growing concerns about safety, waste and cost associated with nuclear power generation, the Illinois General Assembly passed a moratorium on developing new nuclear facilities within the state in 1987. Those concerns remain

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Illinois General Assembly Fails to Act on Accumulated Air Pollution in EJ Communities this Session, Advances New Pollution in Vulnerable Areas

SPRINGFIELD, IL — After missing multiple opportunities this Spring to protect environmental justice communities across Illinois, the Illinois General Assembly yesterday passed HB2878 and HJR23. These bills give broad permission for public-private partnership (P3) funding of large transportation projects like widening I-55. This legislation will bring new vehicle traffic and even more diesel emissions into

Illinois General Assembly Fails to Act on Accumulated Air Pollution in EJ Communities this Session, Advances New Pollution in Vulnerable Areas Read More »

Advocates Praise Senate Bill 1701 Passage as Critical Step Forward for Illinois Soil and Water Health

SPRINGFIELD, IL – The passage of Senate Bill 1701 advances agriculture conservation in Illinois by supporting farming practices that will yield healthier, stronger soils and cleaner water across the state, advocates said today. Legislators approved Senate Bill 1701 as part of the final days of the spring legislative session in Springfield. It now goes to

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Illinois General Assembly Passes Bill to Reduce Plastic Waste and Expand Access to Clean Drinking Water

SPRINGFIELD, IL – The Illinois General Assembly passed legislation this week to reduce plastic pollution and promote access to clean drinking water. Once signed by Governor Pritzker, SB1715 will require that, in settings where the plumbing code already calls for drinking fountains, the installation of new drinking fountains must include a water bottle filling station.

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Intro to Energy Law

https://youtu.be/K4uCDVIJDe4 This Lunch & Learn serves as a crash course on energy policy in Illinois. Presenters: Cary Shepherd, Bluhm Legal Clinic at Northwestern School of Law Nancy Loeb, Director, Environmental Advocacy Clinic at Bluhm Legal Clinic

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Illinois General Assembly Approves Bill That Will Eliminate Toxic Lead Service Lines

Bill requires replacement of lead lines, and establishes state grant and technical assistance program to support communities in this effort (SPRINGFIELD, IL) –Following a concurring House vote late last night in favor of the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act (HB 3739), both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly have approved the bill, which

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Chicago Environmental Justice Network Puts Forward Proposal to Address Cumulative Pollution Impact on Environmental Justice Communities

Bill would protect environmental justice communities from further industrial pollution (SPRINGFIELD, IL) – The Chicago Environmental Justice Network and the Pritzker administration today reaffirmed their commitment to community-based environmental justice efforts. HB4093, introduced by Rep. Sonya Harper, creates an enhanced community engagement process when considering permits for new, large air pollution sources in environmental justice

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Illinois Senate to Vote on Bill That Would Eliminate Toxic Lead Service Lines in Illinois

Bill would protect public health, safe drinking water for millions of Illinoisans SPRINGFIELD, IL (May 13, 2021) – Following bipartisan passage by the Illinois House of Representatives of the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act  (HB 3739), which would require all water utilities statewide to replace all lead service lines, Senate action is needed

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1,000 Illinoisans Urge Lawmakers to Back Environmental Justice Bills at Virtual Lobby Day

Hundreds Rally for Passage of the Clean Energy Jobs Act, Toxic Lead Service Line Removal and New Air Permitting Reforms SPRINGFIELD, IL —  Today, 1,000 environmental justice leaders, renewable energy advocates, youth activists, faith leaders, business representatives and consumer groups from every part of Illinois met virtually with over 80 members of the Illinois General

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Illinois Environmental Council Announces Illinois’ 2021 Environmental Legislative Agenda

Agenda Tackles Clean Energy, Clean Water, Sustainable Agriculture, Wildlife Protections and More SPRINGFIELD, IL — On behalf of their over 100 member affiliate organizations, the Illinois Environmental Council (IEC) announced today Illinois’ annual environmental legislative agenda. The 2021 agenda tackles the environmental community’s priorities across a wide range of issues including clean energy, clean water,

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IEC Responds to Gov. Pritzker’s Climate Remarks

SPRINGFIELD, IL — Today, Illinois Environmental Council Executive Director Jen Walling released the following statement in response to Gov. JB Pritzker’s remarks regarding climate change and his decision to prioritize clean energy legislation during his 2020 State of the State address:  “At a time when the Trump administration is taking major steps backward on climate,

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coal ash pollution

Illinois House and Senate Pass Landmark Legislation to Clean up Coal Ash

Bill addresses coal ash impoundments plaguing the state for decades Springfield, IL — Yesterday, the Illinois Legislature passed SB9, The Coal Ash Pollution Prevention Act, which now heads to the Governor’s desk. The groundbreaking bill addresses the many waste pits filled with coal ash, the toxic byproduct of burning coal, located all over the state. Illinois is

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