
Reclaimed Heritage: How Simple Appreciation is Better for Us and the Planet

By Crystal Kern | IEC Finance Director I grew up on a self-sufficient farm in central Kentucky. We had a diverse garden with more plant varieties than I can recall along with several animals. Everything produced on the farm solely supported our family. If we had an abundance of produce, we would invite neighbors over to

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Bill Helping Farmers Reduce Costly Erosion and Runoff Advances to State Senate

Expands Soil Water Conservation Districts Ability to Assist Illinois Farmers (SPRINGFIELD, IL) — A bill green-lighting the inclusion of soil health best practices among the list of resources that local Soil Water Conservation Districts are allowed to provide Illinois farmers advanced out of the Illinois State House chamber yesterday by a unanimous vote. HB 2737,

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Natural Resources and Conservation in the Illinois Budget

Breaking a long trend of cuts and unspent appropriations, natural resources finally received improved funding in the FY19 Illinois budget and capital budget. One especially heartening development will see the operating budget for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources increase 6.7% compared to FY18. A major highlight of the capital plan is the dedication of

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2018 Session in Review

The Illinois General Assembly adjourned on May 31st after passing a budget, which was signed by Governor Rauner the morning of June 4th. Read our budget update to learn more about the benefits to environmental programs of the fiscal year 2019 budget. The General Assembly likely will not meet again until after the election for

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Affiliate Feature: HeartLands Conservancy

By Mary VandervordPresident/CEO, HeartLands Conservancy What’s the mission of your organization?To sustain and enrich the diverse environmental resources of southwestern Illinois. To accomplish our mission HLC works with individuals, local governments, state and federal agencies, and other organizations on three priorities: conservation of open space, building greener communities, and engaging people with nature. Where in

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Safe Roads Amendment

How will the Safe Roads Constitutional Amendment affect conservation?

The proposed constitutional amendment could have unintended consequences for conservation in Illinois. You can read the Safe Roads Constitutional Amendment in its entirety here. This amendment to Illinois’ constitution purports to keep the gas tax in a “lockbox” that can only be used for transportation, and comes in response to significant sweeps from the road

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The High Cost of Cheap Meat

As an organization that has been working to solve the pollution crisis caused by concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in Illinois for years, we applaud the Chicago Tribune’s recent in-depth investigative report on large hog confinements. Few could read this piece without gasping at the stories of environmental pollution, animal abuse, and destruction of rural

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Oppose Sweeps to Energy and Conservation

Legislation advanced to immediately sweep funding important to the environmental community SB274 Amendment #1 takes funding from numerous dedicated funds, including but not limited to: $37 million for OSLAD (Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development) Nearly $5 million from NAAF (Natural Areas Acquisition Fund) Over $1 million from the Partners for Conservation Fund $25.7 million

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Reports and Analysis

Governor’s Budget Proposal

Governor Blagojevich presented his FY2006 budget proposal on Wednesday. His proposal recognizes the difficulties at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), and while not reversing all of the cuts, begins to take a step back. The Governor is supporting Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn’s proposal to eliminate a tax credit for landfill operators and use

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IEC Newsletter Vol. 1 No. 20

Find the full PDF online here or scroll down to read. Two Anti-EPA bills lose in committee HB 338 to create Land Use Study Commission was revived Economic Impact bill on third reading Eminent Domain bill re-passes committee while Fish and Game Commission put in subcommittee Explanation of HB 898: The Agricultural Areas Conservation and

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