Activists Rally at Illinois Capitol, Urging Lawmakers to Pass 9 Climate and Environmental Bills

Hundreds of environmental activists rallied at the Illinois State Capitol, urging legislators to support bills that advance environmental justice and protection and that address climate change. Advocates also delivered a letter to the governor’s office demanding tighter vehicle emissions rules.

Dany Robles, climate policy director at the Illinois Environmental Council, said he’s noticed more environmental legislation being proposed every session. “I think a lot of it is driven by climate change and noticing that if we’re going to combat climate, we’re also going to have to talk about land use, waste management, energy production and transportation,” he said. 

Robles, of the Illinois Environmental Council, said he is confident about the outcome of this legislative session, in part based on Pritzker’s support for environmental legislation. “We can definitely sense the difference of how many bills we can potentially move across the finish line,” said Robles. 

Read the full article here.

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