Clean Water

Lakeshore Erosion As part of Chicago Water Week, please join IEC and our panel of experts to discuss shoreline erosion in the Great Lakes. Recently, Great Lake water levels have been historically high, threatening beaches, homes, businesses and infrastructure along the shores. Solutions like the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative have supported shoreline restoration jetports but there are also international and

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Urban Stormwater In the 24th installment of IEC’s Lunch and Learn Series, IEC is joined by Marcella Bondie Keenan of the Center for Neighborhood Technology and Olga Bautista of Alliance for the Great Lakes to discuss urban stormwater. Find links and resources from the session below: Center for Neighborhood Technology Alliance for the Great Lakes

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Lead in Drinking Water In the sixth installment of IEC’s Lunch & Learn Series, Justin Williams from the Metropolitan Planning Council, Caroline Pakenham from Elevate Energy, and IEC’s own Iyana Simba discuss lead in drinking water in Illinois. Below, you can find resources and links from the session: App to see if your home has lead pipes Illinois

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Lawmakers, Advocates Introduce ‘Plastic-free Water for Illinois Platform’

Lawmakers, environmental groups, and consumer advocates bring the fight for plastic-free water to the General Assembly SPRINGFIELD, IL – Today, State Rep. Ann Williams, State Sen. Melinda Bush and the Illinois Environmental Council announced the introduction of a comprehensive package of legislation tackling the pervasive problem of plastic pollution from single-use plastics in Illinois waterways

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Broad Coalition Calls for Statewide Drug Take-back Program

Illinois legislators and advocates introduce The Illinois Drug Take-back Act CHICAGO – Today, state lawmakers, environmental and public health groups, along with business, public safety and local government voices, called for a statewide pharmaceutical drug take-back program funded by pharmaceutical companies. The coalition called the amount of  unused drugs in Illinois a public safety, public

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Advocates Introduce Chicago City Ordinance to Combat Plastic Pollution

Aldermen, environmental groups, and consumer advocates bring the fight for plastic-free water to the Chicago City Council CHICAGO –Today, Alderman Scott Waguespack (32nd Ward) announced the introduction of comprehensive legislation tackling the pervasive problem of plastic pollution in Chicago waterways and the Great Lakes. Alderman Waguespack was joined by organizations in support of the ordinance

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Lead Poisoning Awareness Week

By Iyana Simba | IEC Clean Water Advocate When it came to light in 2014 that residents of Flint, Michigan were exposed to elevated lead levels in their drinking water, the issue dominated headlines. Since then, cities like Newark, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, and Chicago have also found elevated lead levels in schools, childcare

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Milestone Bill to Clean Up Coal Ash Pollution in Illinois Becomes Law

The Coal Ash Pollution Prevention Act is a critical step in fixing Illinois’ coal ash problem SPRINGFIELD, IL—Today, bipartisan legislation to protect Illinois’ citizens and the environment from the effects of toxic coal ash became law. The  Coal Ash Pollution Prevention Act will result in stronger rules for coal ash cleanup and fund cleanup programs through permit

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coal ash pollution

Illinois House and Senate Pass Landmark Legislation to Clean up Coal Ash

Bill addresses coal ash impoundments plaguing the state for decades Springfield, IL — Yesterday, the Illinois Legislature passed SB9, The Coal Ash Pollution Prevention Act, which now heads to the Governor’s desk. The groundbreaking bill addresses the many waste pits filled with coal ash, the toxic byproduct of burning coal, located all over the state. Illinois is

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General Assembly Sends Water Jobs Infrastructure Bill to Governor’s Desk

Clean Water Jobs for All Legislation Lays Groundwork for Thousands of New Jobs SPRINGFIELD, IL — Today, the Illinois State House of Representatives voted to approve Clean Water Jobs for All legislation (SB 2146/HB 3349), which creates the Clean Water Workforce Pipeline Program. The program provides training and resources for careers in water infrastructure and

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Cannabis Legalization Bill Passes with Nation-leading Environmental Protections

Illinois Poised to Enact the ‘Greenest’ Cannabis Legislation in U.S. SPRINGFIELD, IL — Today, the Illinois State House of Representatives voted to pass HB1438, a bill legalizing the regulated, recreational use of cannabis that now includes nation-leading environmental and public health protections. The Illinois Environmental Council (IEC) partnered with the University of Chicago’s Abrams Environmental

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Governor Pritzker’s First 100 Days

The Governor of Illinois has significant influence over environmental programs and policy, as well as if, and how, the state leads on these issues. This being the case, IEC welcomed the election of Governor Pritzker, whose campaign promised 100% renewable energy, clean air protections and recognized the importance of our water resources. Now that we

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Bill Prohibiting Illinois From Regulating Carbon Pollution Repealed

State can now go beyond the federal government to take action on climate change SPRINGFIELD — On Thursday, March 28th, the Illinois State House of Representatives voted to repeal the Kyoto Protocol Act of 1998, a law prohibiting the state from creating restrictions for the “purpose of addressing the adverse effects of climate change which in

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State Legislators, Stakeholders Announce Major Milestone for “Clean Water Jobs for All” Legislation

SPRINGFIELD — Today, State Sen. Ram Villivalam and State Rep. Justin Slaughter were joined by environmental and labor leaders from across Illinois to announce support for their Clean Water Jobs for All legislation (SB 2146/HB 3349). Sen. Ram Villivalam, sponsor of SB 2146, said, “With the Clean Water Jobs for All legislation, we aren’t just

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Committee Deadline Week

Friday, April 13th is the final deadline for bills to get out of committee in both chambers. It was a mixed week in Springfield for IEC: while many of the proposals we support advanced towards passage, others very bad proposals moved forward despite our strong opposition. Bills that do not get out of committee by

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2018 Legislative Agenda

What will IEC be up to in 2018

The 2018 state legislative session began February, 30th 2018. With the Primary Election scheduled for March 20, session days are light between now and March. With continued threats to the environment coming from the federal level, we will be working harder than ever to defend existing protections and push environmental justice priorities in our 2018

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Staff Feature: Lindsay Keeney

By Lindsay KeeneyDownstate Outreach Director, Illinois Environmental Council You can’t protect something you don’t love. Nurtured in central Illinois creek beds that had a tendency to banish a nice pair pair of school clothes straight to the dirty clothes pile, I love water. Geography gifted me the chance play, fish and study water from an

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Ammons Feature

Legislator Feature: State Representative Carol Ammons

IEC is excited to release our first “Legislator Feature” on our blog! Through this series, we hope to share with our supporters how legislators think about environmental issues, and what areas they are specifically interested in. For this entry, we are pleased to interview State Representative Carol Ammons. Representative Carol Ammons is serving her second

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The High Cost of Cheap Meat

As an organization that has been working to solve the pollution crisis caused by concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in Illinois for years, we applaud the Chicago Tribune’s recent in-depth investigative report on large hog confinements. Few could read this piece without gasping at the stories of environmental pollution, animal abuse, and destruction of rural

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