IEC Legislative Update

2,000 Monarch License Plate Decal Applications Received

YOU DID IT – 2,000 applications received!

More than 2,000 IEC, Sierra Club and NRDC supporters came together to apply for the new Specialty Monarch License Plate Decal, raising over $20,000 for roadside monarch habitat and ensuring the decal will be commissioned! Sadly, monarch butterfly populations have been rapidly declining in North America since 1997. The Midwestern United States have seen an 88 percent decline in the number of monarchs, and a 64 percent decrease in the amount of available milkweed. Milkweed serves as the monarchs only egg-laying habitat and food source for monarch caterpillars. Fortunately there is now a fun and easy way that you can help protect monarchs in Illinois: purchase a new “Universal Specialty” plate with a monarch butterfly decal through the Secretary of State’s office! Because 2,000 applications were received, the decal will be commissioned and designed. Applicants will soon receive a letter from the Secretary of State’s Office along with a license plate transfer application. You will have the opportunity to purchase the Universal Specialty Plate and Monarch Butterfly Decal then. Funds from the decal will go to the IL Dept. of Natural Resources to support roadside monarch habitats throughout our state and help save this magnificent species. You can still apply for your decal in three easy steps:
  1. Download and print this form.
  2. Fill the form out, including “Monarch Roadside Habitat” for “Name of Specialty Plate Being Requested”
  3. Send the form in to the Secretary of State’s office with $10 via check (recommended) or cash

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