2020 Scorecard
For the first time in 47 years, IEC has released a Lifetime Environmental Scorecard, debuting each sitting legislator’s lifetime average environmental score. Lifetime scores are based on legislators’ votes on bills affecting the environment over the course of their entire legislative career.
That means, for the first time, you can see whether your representatives have used their power in the General Assembly to protect you, plants, animals, and our environment or whether they used their power to aid big polluters and dirty fossil fuel special interests instead.
In an election year, this is an especially valuable tool in educating voters about how they are being represented, lifting up legislative environmental champions and holding those accountable who obstruct environmental protections.
We have also outlined scores on specific
issue areas based off of votes for the bills listed at the end of this scorecard.
House Lifetime Scores
Senate Lifetime Scores
* Senator previously served in the House, scores collected from both roles