IEC Legislative Update

IEC 2019 Priority Legislation

*IEC supports all bills unless opposition is noted.*


Support the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition Agenda, and cosponsor these bills today!

Clean Energy Jobs Act — HB3624 (Williams) and SB2132 (Castro)

  • This is one of our biggest priorities this year, and would lead Illinois to 100% clean energy by 2050, decarbonize our power sector, reduce pollution from the transportation sector and ensure job training and equitable clean energy development.
  • HB2855 (Gabel) and SB2059 (Koehler)- Electrifying the transportation sector responsibly
  • HB2899 (Yingling)- Alternative fuel rebates for electric vehicles
  • HB2801 (Welch) and SB2020 (Steans)- Decarbonizing our power sector
  • HB2926 (Slaughter) and SB1792 (Aquino)- Supporting development of energy storage technologies
  • HB2956 (Davis)- Removing the large industrial exemption for energy efficiency programs
  • HB3328 (Harper) and SB2123 (Peters)- “Pay As You Save”– Removing financial barriers to renewable energy for low-income communities
  • HB3481 (Gabel) and SB2140 (Villavalam)- Authorizing Illinois to take action on carbon

Transparency for Drilling — HB282 (Gabel)

This legislation increasing transparency around oil and gas drilling, no longer classifying them as confidential and providing more awareness through the process.


Subsurface Rights — HB1562 (Guzzardi)

Subsurface trespass can happen when the fracturing of shale, fracturing fluids, and/or proppants cross boundaries of land where the operator does not have owner consent to conduct operations. This legislation would place priority for the rights of the landowners, as opposed to the rights of the operator.


Coal Severance Tax — HB3382 (Didech)

Illinois is just one of three coal producing states that does not have a coal severance tax. This bill would place a simple excise fee placed on the value of Illinois coal, and could bring substantial revenues back to communities and to the state.


Solar Ready Construction — HB2652 (Stuart)

This legislation will set requirements for new build construction that meets set criteria to be built in a way that can host solar panels.


Solar Opportunities for Universities — SB211 (Bennett) and HB3400 (Stuart)

This legislation would address some regulatory barriers to universities procuring solar power.


Ban on Hydraulic Fracturing — HB3386 (Guzzardi)

This legislation bans hydraulic fracturing in the state of Illinois.


Local Control and Fracking — HB3383 (Didech)

The Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory Act gave municipalities in Illinois the authority to restrict or prohibit fracking within their jurisdictions but did not give counties the same authority. Legislation would close that loophole by simply adding a reference to county governments in the relevant sections of the Act.


County Wind Development — HB2988 (Williams)

This bill clarifies current law by making it even more explicit that only counties and municipalities have zoning authority over wind farm development. This change is consistent with the original WECS Statute and will facilitate wind development to continue to grow, as it has since 2007, under the regulatory oversight of the county and municipal governments in Illinois.


OPPOSE Increased Penalties for Pipeline Protesters — HB1633 (Hoffman)

This bill creates excessive penalties for trespass, protest, and other nonviolent crimes at pipelines and other infrastructure.


Energy Efficient Appliances — HB3658 (Gabel)

Requires that new products meet minimum efficiency standards in order to reduce energy waste in households and businesses across Illinois.


PACE for residential customers — SB1296 (Bush)

This expands the current successful commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy financing program. The bill allows local governments to create their own property-assessed clean energy programs and issue low interest bonds to finance clean energy projects for residential property owners.



Wrongful Tree Cutting — HB3105 (Edly-Allen)

This legislation would fairly compensate owners of protected lands who have suffered damages from illegal logging.


Protecting Pollinators from Neonics — HB3636 (Guzzardi)

This legislation will classify neonicotinoids as a restricted-use pesticide, and ban the use of neonics on state-owned land, unless needed for invasive species control.


Resources for Urban Agriculture — HB2302 (Harper) and SB1634 (Belt)

Soil contamination is a critical issue and testing can be a barrier for those in urban agriculture. This bill would provide resources for soil testing for urban farmers and gardeners.


Promoting Soil Health — HB2737 (Halpin) and SB1980 (Bennett)

The Soil Water and Conservation Districts are an important resource for farmers in Illinois. This legislation would add soil health practices to the list of resources that SWCDs can provide for farmers.


Protecting Against Pesticide Drift — SB1482 (Koehler)

This legislation that would increase the penalties for damages resulting from pesticide drift. Last year the Department of Agriculture received 3x their usual number of complaints due to pesticide drift.


Enhancing Local Food Opportunities — SB1450 (Fowler) and HB2505 (West)

In redefining the definition of “local”, this bill will improve opportunities for the state to purchase local food.


Restrictions on Hoop Houses — SB1675 (Cullerton)

This legislation would prevent municipalities from placing undue obstacles for homeowners from having hoop houses on their private land.


Right to Garden — HB1612 (Skillicorn)

Illinois already has a right to farm act. This legislation would create a comparable right to garden act, preventing municipalities and counties from putting unreasonable restrictions on private landowners gardening.


Conservation Easements — HB2601 (Morgan)

Makes minor changes to the law on conservation easement to encourage greater flexibility in protecting open space.


Urban Agricultural Areas for Counties — HB2545 (Harper)

Last year HB3418 created an urban agricultural area program for municipalities. This legislation would allow counties to take advantage of the program.


Conservation on Public Land — HB2819 (Miller)

This legislation would give the Department of Natural Resources the authority to require conservation practices on its leases for state agricultural lands.


OPPOSE Removing Endangered Species Protections — HB2425 (Chesney) and SB1336 (Rose) 

HB2425/SB1336 jeopardize endangered species by weakening the expert composition of the Endangered Species Protection Board and eliminates certain requirements for permits, notice, and public hearings. This bill would leave the protection of federal endangered species in the hands of the Trump Administration, as that administration is actively rolling back protection of endangered species.


Pollinator Protection Plans — HB3128 (Meier)

This bill creates a pollinator protection plan to protect the health and mitigate risk to honeybees and other managed pollinators in the State.


Access to Healthy Local Food — HB2538 (Harper)

HB2538 will create a Healthy Food Development Program to expand access to healthy foods in eligible areas in the State by providing assistance to grocery stores, corner stores, farmers’ markets, and other small food retailers.



Lead in Drinking Water — SB1532 (Steans) and HB3445 (Robinson)

Illinois is estimated to have ⅛ of all lead service lines in the entire country. This legislation would require every municipality to plan for the removal of all lead services lines, with a prioritization for at-risk communities, and a low-income water assistance program.


Parks and Lead — SB1270 (Peters) and HB3327 (Villanueva)

Following on legislation that required testing for lead in schools and child care centers, this bill would require public parks throughout Illinois to test for lead. This is a critical measure to protect young children.


Protecting Homeowners from Animal Waste — Koehler (IDOA) SB1481

Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) produce significant amount of waste and environmental nuisances for surrounding homeowners. Currently, if a local county board votes against an application for a new or expanding CAFO, the Department of Agriculture can still approve that permit. This bill would make a county recommendation binding.


Supporting Nutrient Loss Reduction Goals — SR52 (Bennett)

This resolution calls for the state to support the Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy.


Preventing Nutrient Loss on State Lands — SB1231 (Morrison) and HB2930 (Mason)

In order to prevent runoff of harmful nutrients into our waterways, this legislation would require vegetative buffers on state-owned land adjacent to water resources.


Wetland Protection — SB1352 (Fine)

In the wake of federal rollbacks to wetland protections, this legislation would strength the ability of the state to take action to protect wetland resources.


Microplastics — SB1392 (Morrison)

Current language requires standards to be set for microplastics in water, but there is a plan to amend to require IEP or ISWS to study the threat of microplastics in drinking water and potential need for regulatory action.


Urban Flooding Protections — SB1876 (Rezin)

Currently Illinois requires disclosure of flood risk and damage at the sale of residential property. This legislation would require similar disclosure to renters.


Equitable Water Rates — HB2759 (Ford) and SB1724 (Harris)

This legislation requires that the Illinois State Water Survey study the setting of water rates in northeastern Illinois. Subject to appropriation, the ISWS will study the factors taken into consideration when setting rates, challenges for low-income communities, and opportunities for greater collaboration and equity.


Creating Water Infrastructure Jobs — HB3349 (Slaughter) and SB2146 (Villivalam)

This bill would create funding and resources for water jobs training programs, and those from disadvantaged communities that are placed in them.


Water Appliance Efficiency — HB2707 (Connor)

This bill would expand the plumbing code to require increased water conservation, including dual-flush toilets.


Use of State Revolving Funds — HB2650 (Rita)

To ensure that state revolving funds for water infrastructure can be used broadly by communities, this bill would set forth a rulemaking by IEPA to clarify the use of SRF for ‘set-aside’ programs, such as consolidation.


Tax Relief for Lead Pipe Removal — HB2128 (D’Amico)

Lead services lines must be replaced throughout Illinois and this measure is one tool to assist in replacement. HB2128 creates an income tax credit for taxpayers who replace a lead water service pipe.


Water Pollutants — HB3184 (Mazzochi)

Provides that, when testing water, public water supplies shall test for androgen and estrogen receptor compounds.


Harvest to Homes — SB1704 (Holmes)




Food waste is a significant environmental problem. Mirroring programs in Ohio and Minnesota, this bill creates an agricultural surplus program run by the Department of Agriculture and administered by Feeding Illinois. The program would connect farmers across the state to local food banks and pantries, in an effort to reduce food waste and fight hunger.


State Action on Waste — HB3068 (Costa-Howard)

This bill will require the state to develop a comprehensive plan to address solid waste. This legislation also provides for the establishment of recycling programs at state agencies with specific goals around waste reduction.


Limiting Plastic Bag Waste — HB3335 (Williams)

Following the success of consumer fees in Chicago and other municipalities, this legislation would set a $0.10 statewide fee on single-use carry out plastic bags at retail establishments. The bill would preempt municipalities and counties from enacting additional fees on plastic bags beyond this fee.


Bulk Containers — HB3440 (Guzzardi)

This legislation would cut down waste by allowing retailers to offer the use of personal containers for bulk foods. This would clarify uncertainties surrounding this issue, and prevent municipalities from unnecessarily banning the use of personal containers in the future.


Increasing Opportunities for Bottle Recycling — HB2651 (Ramirez)

Mirroring successful programs in Michigan and other states, this measure will require a $0.05 deposit value on all beverage containers, for redemption by consumers. Revenues generated from the measure would go to IEPA and the beverage distributor.


Drugs and Sharps Stewardship — HB349 (Gong-Gershowitz)

Syringes and drugs that find their way into our wastestream and water are extremely problematic for the safety of workers, the public, and our environment. This bill would require IEPA to develop and administer a drugs and sharps stewardship program.


Right to Repair — HB2026 (Mussman) and SB2088 (Fine)

This initiative will give every consumer and small business access to the parts, tools and service information they need to repair products so we can keep things in use and reduce waste.


Toxins and Environmental Justice

Ethylene Oxide — SB1852, SB1853, and SB 1854

IEC is working with Senators Curran and Bush, and Representative Yingling on legislation that would strengthen protections against ethylene oxide.


Local Control Over Coal Tar Toxins — SB1184 (Fine) and HB2443 (Gabel)

This bill would allow non-homerule municipalities and counties to enact bans on the use of coal tar sealant, a carinogen for which alternatives are available.


BPA Receipts — HB2076 (Villa)

BPA (bisphenol A) is an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and has been found to be a threat to human health. Some retail establishments still use receipt paper that is made with BPA, presenting a risk to both the workers and customers. This bill would prohibit the manufacture and distribution of paper with BPA for the purpose of banking and business records.


Comprehensive Air Permitting — HB2728 (Mah)

Given the accumulation of industry in economically disadvantaged communities, and the significant air pollution problems that persist, this bill requires that applications of new or expanding air permits within environmental justice communities are considered in a context of other air permits approved in the area.


Protecting Property Rights from Eminent Domain — SB1527 (Fine)

This bill aims to protect landowners from eminent domain land-grabs, especially related to pipeline projects.




Support Bike and Pedestrian Infrastructure — SB2016 (Sandoval)

This bill would direct 2% of the total IDOT appropriation for projects related to pedestrian and bicycle facilities, streetscape projects, and trails.


Transit Benefits for Commuters — HB2533

To support employees using public transit, this measure would require employers of a certain size in Cook County to provide pre-tax benefits for transit fares.

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